Jumat, 04 September 2009


Doore is a member of Cooler's Armored Squadron. Long-haired, always seen with a helmet, and vaguely Hulk-like in appearance, he accompanies Cooler along with the rest of his team to Earth.

He and the others are assigned to finding Goku so his master can acquire vengeance in accordance to Frieza's failure. Finding Gohan, he grabs his tail thinking he is Goku. Later, he appears to attack Gohan and this ensues a fight between Piccolo, who soon thereafter kills him with a homing ki blast as Doore tries to chase Gohan to kill him.

Apparently, he didn't know (or at least forgot) that Planet Namek was destroyed until he met Piccolo, as he asked why [Piccolo] isn't on his homeworld where he belongs, to which Neiz reminds him that Frieza blew it up.

He later escapes Hell with all the other villains in Fusion Reborn but is killed again.

Click here to download Doore wallpaper (full body)

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